Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance Publications
There is a large amount of written material on the CO-OP Approach. This includes, but is not limited to, books, book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, and topic specific pamphlets. Some, but not all, of the written information about CO-OP is endorsed by the ICAN. Those materials endorsed by the ICAN will bear the ICAN logo. Individuals wishing to have their educational materials endorsed by the ICAN must submit them to the ICAN for review and approval.
The Primary CO-OP Publication is the Following Book:
Polatajko, H. J., & Mandich, A. (2004). Enabling occupation in children: The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) approach. Ottawa, ON: CAOT Publications ACE.
It is available in English from the CAOT store and in French on the CAOT website and in German from Amazon (it is out of print but can sometimes be found in new or used condition from resellers).
The Following is the Latest CO-OP Book:
Dawson, D.R., McEwen, S. E., and Polatajko, H.J. (Eds.). (2017). Cognitive Orientation to daily Performance in Occupational Therapy. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
It may be purchased from the AOTA store.
Graphic Resources
Visual Resource of CO-OP by Artist Kim Cobb, more info on the artist at
Useful Documents
The following pamphlets provide an introduction to CO-OP which may be useful to share with families or others. They were compiled by students of Jolien van den Houten and Rianne Jansens at Zuyd University:
CO-OP Information Booklet in English
CO-OP Information Booklet in German
CO-OP Information Booklet in Dutch
CO-OP Information Booklet in Greek
CO-OP Information Booklet in French
DCD Practice Guidelines In German Die S3-Leitlinie UEMF im Steckbriefformat.
For information on how to use CO-OP principles in school based OT, please follow this link.
In addition, there are numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters published about CO-OP. Please feel free to consult our selected CO-OP Approach Bibliography for more information.
Alternatively, you may generate a list of published articles about CO-OP through PubMed or search some of the most recent CO-OP Approach related publications and subscribe to receiving email alerts via Google scholar.